Apple Speaks

      my body 

was grown for tasting,

my soul called to nourish.

  Dreamless days and nights

under quiet star and beating sun

    i breathed the wind’s breath 

  and drank up rain.

    The roots of my tree fed me till i waxed

  crisp and golden as a full moon.

I was not made for this:

to be stacked and piled and chilled and 

      wrapped and from here-to-there 

            and finally dumped -

      to bleed my life into a barren nowhere.

                        Engorged with the pulp of life, I 

           was intended to beget yet more life…

      for my greatest pleasure is in giving,

             so it is for every living thing.

                           Nature’s way,

buried deep in the nucleus 

          of all our seeds,

       is the only way


            for us


Dancing with the Sky


The Tale of Clamerkin Clog